How we added $70,000 monthly recurring revenue to a 7-figure brand in 30 days…

Simple strategy that MOVED the needle on their top of funnel and backend that can be applied to ANY DTC brand.
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Before we joined this 7-Figure DTC brand, on average, email was generating 3.67% of their total revenue through Klaviyo or $10,829.68.

They had 3 flows live and a popup that was converting at 3.5%. They sent around 2-4 emails a month.And as you can tell email was left completely under the radar.

After a quick audit of the account, there was undeniable potential to grow their system. 
Within 1 week, pre-purchase flows were redone and redesigned. The popup was A/B tested 14+ times to change their 3.5% > to a 15% day OVER day submission rate. This meant FIVE TIMES the people flowing through ALL the flows.
By increasing the popup, we helped LOWER spend on retargeting through facebook.

(NOTE: Average Ecom popup rate is 3.5%)

By the 2nd week from signing, we had all their flows up and running.

Hours of product research and branding
Going through EVERY single review
TRULY understand WHO we are selling to
Each flow was designed to have a touch of “branded direct-response,” which is a fancy way of making the customer take action NOW. (Touch painpoints and let them know what they are missing out on). Something to note is this brand has a unique product where their LTV is phenomenal - AFTER someone buys the MAIN product.
So every bit of revenue matters.
It’s important to also note the post-purchase experience we created is smooth and exceptional to MAKE sure this customer feels rewarded for buying twice, or three times, by removing buyer remorse and instead getting them excited for another round.As you can tell, the combination of FLOWS + A KILLER POPUP was the MAIN needle mover for this brand. Yes, we did increase the campaign cadence from 1 to 4 a week. But the reason why you aren’t seeing such a HUGE jump in revenue for campaigns is because we primarily focused on the non-purchasers segment. Some brands, once you buy the product sending emails will only ANNOY the customer ONCE they buy your main product. So by creating a non-purchasers segment, we were funneling anyone who jumped out of the welcome flow and didn’t purchase. Adding an additional 10-20k a month. Which might seem small but adds up to over 150-200k annually.
Every bit of revenue matters.
Our campaign strategy coming into Black Friday Cyber Monday COMPLETELY BLEW IT OUT OF THE PARK. Things to note since we joined back in June till November, we’ve now taken them from just $10,000 through email come NOVEMBER: $199,768.
Imagine if you could 20x your email revenue… Things to keep in mind that this brand did and is STILL doing going into december. As they began to scale FB Ads, our popup was capturing 15% of customers coming to the website, and we created flows hyper-specific to black Friday.
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These “hyper specific” flows doubled welcome flow revenue and tripled SMS revenue.

This is what happens when you KNOW the customer and create popups + campaigns + flows that all work in tandem to SMASH your projections.
1st number is welcome flow
2nd number is welcome flow SMS Respectively

By the 2nd week from signing, we had all their flows up and running.

Hours of product research and branding
Going through EVERY single review
TRULY understand WHO we are selling to
Flow revenue smashed it, but how did we dominate the campaign sector too?Well, the holiday season means 2 things: Gifts and more Gifts.We made sure to create FUN, captivating, LTV-focused retention campaigns by using creative angles and fun emails that the customer was EXCITED to open.EVERY EMAIL was designed to SELL.But we did in a way that wasn’t pushy and was content-focused, and the emails never ever felt repetitive or boring. (That’s the key to good email marketing)
Averaging 63% opens & 2.25% Clicks during the most SATURATED time of the year in email.
Using our subject line tactics and extremely creative email angles, we generated $61,033.03 through campaigns on a “one-product store.” And $138,735.81 through flows, generating 38.43% through email/sms for a ONE PRODUCT STORE. This is EXTREMELY high for one product store since main reason is that campaigns usually aren’t THIS effective.

Once they buy, there isn’t much to SELL these consumers.
But by having multiple angles, writing copy that converts, having designs that are captivating, and just creating emails, people are excited to open…Along with a killer email strategy, you can be generating 30% of YOUR revenue through email. It’s not going to be easy, but just like you’ve seen today, we took this brand from $20k to $95k in 30 days.

And there team could focus on higher leverage tasks without the burden of email and sms.  NOW, they are generating $200k through email/sms after the course of 5 months with working with us.

When back in June when we joined, it was $10k.
That’s the epitome of testing, understanding the customer avatar, and having a team of copywriters, designers, and true email strategists who have worked in multiple niches can offer.

We aren’t your usual “email agency” The founder has personally worked in 15+ 7 & 8 figure DTC brands accounts. You work 1 on 1 with the founder and have direct access to there designers, email technicians, and copywriters, and see a deep look into how the process works with full access to our workspace.Email doesn’t have to be hard.
That’s why we made it easy.

Your Go-To Post Acquisition Partner.

Schedule your call with Harris

Brief 10-15 minute call to see where your at, where we can take you, and how EXACTLY we will guarantee results.
Low Time Commitment
Designs & Copy That Convert
Increase Retention
Best Email Deliverability
Higher AOV
Leverage SMS